Books I recommend

I read a lot.  I often listen to audios in my car.  I am always learning.  Here are some books I am currently reading and re-reading.  Below I have also linked to books that will always remain in my business library. 

Launch, by Michael Stelzner (Social Media Examiner)

  1. It's written by a successful business-owner who is super ambitious & competitive.
  2. He gets the importance of content marketing.
  3. He uses lots of proof points & evidence & anecdotes to make his case.

Sample sentences:
"Fewer than 1 in 3 people trust marketing messages... The study also found that trusting companies is more important than delivering great products & services."

"If your marketing strategy centers on helping people with their smaller problems, many will seek your help to solve their bigger issues."  - everything we create here at The Cloud9Way centers around helping people... creating smiles... and delighting our patients..  

"Here's the elevation principle in a simple formula: GC + OP - MM = G
Spelled out, the formula reads, 'Great Content' plus 'Other People' minus 'Marketing Messages' equals 'Growth.'

Worth Every Penny: Build a Business That Thrills Your Customers and Still Charge What You're Worth by Erin Verbeck (Author) , Sarah Petty (Author)

This is a simple book about creating value with a boutique business model.  I don't believe in competing on price.  We don't do it.  We deliver a premium service at a premium price because we are worth it.  We know in the long run our patients will save money but we aren't the cheapest in town and for good reason.  We do however deliver on our promises. 

Worth Every Penny gives you a good foundation on how to level the playing field.  It's not about getting more customers, it's about getting the RIGHT customers.  We've changed a lot of our marketing because of what is in this book. 

If you are curious to know what's on page 8 that got Seth Godin so excited, here it is: 

"Being boutique' is about how you operate - it's a model of doing business, a filter for your business decisions, and a mindset that makes your customers say you were worth every penny."

The Fred Factor: How Passion in Your Work and Life Can Turn the Ordinary into the Extraordinary by Mark Sanborn

Every member on your staff should read this book, get them a copy today (you won't regret it).  This book is a short read and shouldn't take more than 1 hour.  The Fred Factor is about being exceptional and shows you exactly how to do that.  In today's marketplace service is more important than ever and how your staff treats your patients can either increase your patient satisfaction and referrals or it can decrease them.  This is a great book to add to your staff development library. 

The books here are books I consider to be classics.  You should have them in your library.  You should read them and then pass them around:

The Compound Effect, by Darren Hardy

Steve Jobs, by Walter Isaacson

Good to Great: Why Some Companies Make the Leap... And Others Don't, by Jim Collins

Posted on January 22, 2014 .